Thursday, September 17, 2009

September: Artichokes

For the first installment of Iron Chef we chose artichokes as the "special ingredient." Below are the participants and their dishes:

Michael & Kirsten Esselman
shrimp, mushroom, artichoke pasta

Jon & Tina Evans
broccoli, artichoke, penne pasta

Mike & McKenzie Locke
stuffed artichokes

Curt & Holly
chicken, spinach, artichoke, alfredo calzones

Everything tasted great, and we had a lot of fun talking and getting to know each other better. We all cast secret ballots for our favorite dishes, and in the end Mike & McKenzie proved that their "cuisine reigns supreme":

A closer look at their awesome trophy:

It turned out to be even more fun than we expected, and we're looking forward to doing it again next month!

Things we want to change/try for next month:
-Have us just host & judge and provide sides instead of competing in the competition
-Have the winners join us again the next month
-Take a picture of our plates full of food
-Have everyone bring their recipes to share

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